2 min readDec 23, 2020



I got high with my friends last night. When I get high I tend to get into very deep discussions, and this particular night we discussed tragedies that happen in the world. We discussed religious injustice, genocide and an array of other topics.

The Holocaust was one of our discussion topics. We talked about how we thought that it was crazy that an entire group of people were tortured and how so many people didn’t retaliate. My friend brought up how the rest of the people witnessing the injustice were bystanders. We discussed how that was horrible.

What is even crazier is that we haven’t learned anything from history. In China, right now, an entire group of people are being persecuted for being a little different, for having religious beliefs that aren’t considered the norm. And what are we doing? Nothing. My friends and I are talking about it. That is it. We are discussing this injustice, we are aware that it is happening, and doing nothing. We are bystanders. We are no better.

We use these injustices as discussion topics. We rant about how we think it is so horrible and a crime against humanity, and then do nothing. Isn’t that crazy? If anything, we are worse. The Holocaust wasn’t broadcasted on Twitter. It wasn’t a discussion topic because the entire world wasn’t aware of what was going on. But right now, injustices around the world are being broadcasted all over the internet, and we see it, and still nothing.

What’s sad is that even if one or two individuals and took an initiative to do something, not much would change. Because the majority of people are comfortable being bystanders. We don’t have to see the injustice carried out so it doesn’t effect us. Many people feel that raising awareness about injustice is enough. People being persecuted probably don’t care about posts on Facebook or Instagram. These people who are being oppressed deserve actual change. They deserve to stop being persecuted.

As a society, we need to have a major mindset shift, because obviously we don’t care about repeating the same mistakes. Writing this, feels hypocritical, because here I am whining about how raising awareness and using injustices as discussion topics is ineffective, as I continue to discuss it. I wish I could do something to make it stop. I hope someone with means can end the genocide in China. I am doing what I can, which is virtually nothing, in the grand scheme of things.

I am embarrassed that I am a bystander. I hope in the future, when I have the means, I will make a difference in the lives of individuals who are oppressed.

